Hattaway's All Classes April 6th Email

April 6, 2020

All Classes

Welcome back from quaranspring break! Happy A Day!

Did anyone go to the Minecraft edition of Disneyland? How was it?

Things happening this week:
You are back to checking in with me on class days and your 5-minute drawing prompt.

A Day zines are due to me on Friday. Take a photo or screenshot and send it my way. If you have created your zine digitally and have the ability to print it at home, print it out, fold and cut, and send me a photo of the finished product along with the unfolded flat photo.

B Day zines are due to me on Monday. Take a photo or screenshot and send it my way. If you have created your zine digitally and have the ability to print it at home, print it out, fold and cut and send me a photo of the finished product along with the unfolded flat photo.

If you’re working on another project, drop me a line with updates to your project.

Friday/Monday we’ll start the next project. This project will be doable with paper, pen, and scissors. I will also have Illustrator templates and PDFs for folks who have Illustrator at home. It’s a hybrid between a zine and basic bookbinding. Start thinking about content that can be designed as a long horizontal (or vertical) presentation:
timelines  – events leading up to the pandemic, events that should be happening your senior year but are not, etc., the history of art, basketball, Monopoly, <insert whatever you like here>
expandable drawings – a really long dachshund, earthworm, dragon?

See you on Zoom or in email,

Hattaway out